marți, 24 aprilie 2018

Belleruth Naparstek - Healing Trauma

Guided Imagery For Posttraumatic Stress: Health Journeys
Can you ever really recover from posttraumatic stress (PTSD)? Psychotherapist, guided imagery pioneer, and trauma expert Belleruth Naparstek says yes, and has the research to prove it. Her powerfully transformative guided meditations were found in four different clinical studies to significantly lower all three clusters of PTS symptoms by six weeks of regular listening, reducing flashbacks, nightmares, isolation, numbing, fear, shame, cynicism, and anger, while restoring a sense of inner goodness, hope, self-esteem, and meaning - all just over the course of eight weeks of regular listening.
Naparstek, the author of the award-winning book, Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal, combines this physiologically balancing, psychologically sophisticated, and spiritually inspiring guided narrative with the exquisite scoring of Steven Mark Kohn's music, to deliver a depth charge of healing to survivors of combat and military sexual trauma, childhood abuse, motor vehicle accidents, criminal assault, domestic violence, natural disasters, ICU stays, and traumatic hospital experiences.
A separate track of affirmations bolsters the healing process with quick, positive reminders in a briefer format, which can be heard and enjoyed while engaged in other activities, including driving. Another track of the music alone helps to integrate and solidify the deep inner gains achieved through the other two tracks, and ensure they last.
Designed for use as a supportive supplement to other treatment approaches for PTSD, or as a stand-alone intervention, this ground breaking program is recommended and distributed by the US Veterans Administration, Kaiser Permanente, The Red Cross, the US Army, and hundreds of hospitals and treatment centers nationwide.

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