sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2018

Lama Surya Das - Buddha Standard Time

Awakening To The Infinite Possibilities Of Now
Breathe. Smile. Relax. You are about to travel with author Lama Surya Das and narrator Peter Berkrot to Buddha Standard Time. It’s not a time zone or a place but a frame of mind, a journey from the distracted, unfocused, and hectic reality that Das calls profane time to a space unencumbered by the momentary and trivial that he calls sacred time. Berkrot’s narration is clear, well paced, and as easy to follow as this primer on Buddhist meditation and thoughtful presence. His simple yet compelling style of delivery goes a long way to complement the message of the book. So, in the words of Das: Breathe. Smile. Relax. And listen . . . you have the time.
Buddha Standard Time shares one of the great realisations of Buddhism, one that anyone can learn to apply. Buddhist wisdom teaches that the minutes and hours of our days do not simply march from future to present to past - looming, engulfing us, passing us by forever. Rather, each moment is intersected by a fourth dimension, a dimension of timelessness. Only by accessing that timeless dimension, the Buddha believed, can we learn to fully inhabit the Now. As an alternative to our ceaseless hustle and bustle, Surya Das offers readers the possibility of living in Buddha Standard Time.

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