duminică, 22 aprilie 2018

Paul Scheele - Personal Genius

Accelerate Your Learning Abilities
A Bulgarian scientist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, discovered that you can increase your ability to learn from 5 to 50 times faster by simply relaxing. When you slow your breath and calm the little voice in the back of your head, you go to a “relaxed state of alertness,” also called the “accelerative learning state.” When you listen to Paul Scheele’s Personal Genius CD, you automatically enter the accelerative learning state. It takes only 16 minutes.
Here are benefits other customers have reported to us:
“When I listen before playing the piano, I seem to play much better with less stress and effort.”
“Study sessions whiz by, and I know I’ve learned more.”
“I never have writer’s block when I listen to the CD first.”
“Things are easier to understand when I listen to Personal Genius first.”
We recommend listening to this CD before study or work sessions and listening to the Memory Supercharger afterwards to store the information properly and retrieve it effectively from your brain’s memory banks. The combination of Personal Genius and Memory Supercharger will increase concentration, retention, and recall in all your studies.

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