joi, 26 aprilie 2018

S.J. Scott - Bad Habits No More

25 Steps To Break Any Bad Habit
Learn How to Break Bad Habits and Build Powerful, Positive Routines
Do you: Often snack on junk food, watch too much TV, spend too much money, or binge eat? Wish you could stop smoking or drinking excessively? Have a small (but annoying) habit you'd like to break? We all have a specific bad habit we'd like to break. Odds are you've tried in the past, and maybe you were successful for a few days. Then something unexpected came up where you slipped for a day or two. One mistake snowballs into a series of setbacks. Eventually you give up on the idea of making a habit change simply because it's too difficult to do. The interesting thing? We've all experienced this pattern at some point in our lives. Fortunately there's a quick fix: Make a plan for breaking that habit, and follow it on a daily basis.
Right now: Pick a bad habit, make a plan, and start today! It doesn't matter if you've failed with your habit efforts in the past. It doesn't mean you're lazy or weak willed. It means you didn't have the right tools for making a lasting habit change. What you need is a strategy for identifying your worst habits and learning how to overcome them. That solution is an audiobook called: Bad Habits No More: 25 Steps to Break ANY Bad Habit. With this book, you will learn:
Why "Willpower" Is a Dangerous Word for Changing Routines
The One Thing People Get Wrong with Building Habits (Step #2)
A Three-Step Process for Identifying the "Why" Behind Your Bad Habit (Step #9)
Why Cold-Turkey Solutions Rarely Work (Step #6)
How Certain Locations Can Short-Curcuit Your Efforts (Step #19)
The "What-The-Hell Effect" and How it Causes Binge Behaviors (Step #21)
How a 30-Day Challenge Is the First Step to Permanent Habit Change (Step #3)
The Best Tools & Apps to Track Your Progress

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