luni, 30 aprilie 2018

Stefan Einhorn - The Art Of Being Kind

A Person Who Is Kind Is On The Path To Success
We often live in a "dog-eat-dog" world, where kind people are looked at as infantile or simple. In The Art of Being Kind Swedish physician and author Stefan Einhorn describes a paradigm shift towards kindness as something that leads to personal success. Kindness, he says, is not only good in of itself, but has direct and tangible rewards in one’s career and life. Christopher Kipniak performs this audiobook with a slow and soothing voice, allowing the listener to sit back and contemplate the benefits of niceness. Committing acts of kindness feels good and after listening to these measured thoughts and knowing the observable return it will feel even better.
Being kind in a genuine and positive way is an art, and while it frequently happens spontaneously, one can learn to integrate the "art" kindness into their personal and professional lives. Einhorn believes it is the single most important factor in achieving success and satisfaction. Contrary to the cynical axiom, "nice guys finished last," Einhorn makes the case that being a good person can make you happier, richer, more successful and fulfilled.
Kindness is not always easy to put into practice - in all of life's dilemmas, we calculate, whether consciously or subconsciously, what the consequences of our behavior - good or bad - is likely to be. It is this ethical intelligence that Einhorn helps the listener cultivate through five exercises, which will help listeners tackle setbacks while reaping the benefits of being kind.

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