duminică, 6 mai 2018

Doreen Virtue - Chakra Clearing

Awakening Your Spiritual Power To Know And Heal
Chakra Clearing, by Doreen Virtue, Ph,D. is a unique experiential guide to activating your natural spiritual powers of psychic and spiritual healing through the opening, cleansing, and balancing of the body's energy centers ("chakras").
Using this CD on a regular basis will keep your chakras attuned and cleansed for maximum intuitive powers.
During this CD, you will be guided and instructed simultaneously. You will hear the various functions of each chakra while simultaneously cleansing that chakra. You will learn how to "scan" (that is, clairvoyantly see) your own and other people's chakras, for use in psychic healing work. In addition, this CD will include guided exercises to clear and release negative energy and ego-based thoughts.

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