duminică, 6 mai 2018

Frederick Woolverton, Susan Shapiro - Unhooked

How To Quit Anything
We're all addicted to something - but when the crutch gets in the way of living a happy and productive life, it must stop. Over the last 25 years, renowned addiction therapist Dr. Fred Woolverton has used his dynamic, empathetic approach to help thousands of addicts achieve long-term recovery - including himself and his coauthor Susan Shapiro, whom he helped quit smoking and drinking and find success in both love and her career. Dr. Woolverton views the external habit as less important than the chaos and fear underlying the addiction, which we use to regulate our feelings. The solution, he has found, is easier than we think.
Unhooked: How to Quit Anything is a smart, readable, and actionable guide to conquering any addictive habit. Using real patient examples as well as research and his own experience, Dr. Woolverton shows us how to thrive without self-medicating. His approach is an unorthodox blend of straightforward changes to behavior and open and honest conversation with another person. His specific instructions do not require an expensive therapist, rehab, 12-step program, or a higher power (but he does make readers aware of those viable options). Let Dr. Woolverton help you kick your addiction and move on with your life today!

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