vineri, 11 mai 2018

Kevin J. Todeschi - Living Your Divine Contract

How To Study The Akashic Records And Discover Your Heart's Purpose
Every thought, word, deed, feeling, and intention that has ever been generated has been miraculously preserved forever in an etheric storehouse of knowledge known as the Akashic Records. Frequently referred to throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, they are also called the "Book of Life" or simply "The Book." Edgar Cayce - the renowned 20th century clairvoyant, mystic, acclaimed "sleeping prophet," and most documented psychic of all time accessed his information from these records.
They provided him with an incredible breadth and depth of information. He was unquestionably an extraordinary individual with a unique gift. And yet the Akashic Records - the source from which he received all his insights and prophecies - are open and accessible to us all. In Edgar Cayce's Living Your Divine Contract: How to Study the Akashic Records and Discover Your Heart's Purpose, author, lecturer and world-renowned Cayce scholar Kevin Todeschi gives you the secrets to accessing the sacred library of information ... 
Revisit your disremembered past experiences - even those that took place in previous lifetimes.
Find out the fascinating reasons behind your likes and dislikes, talents and skills, even why you've chosen certain people as your friends and romantic partners.
See exactly what your life is going to be like, in detail, seven years from now.
Avoid any painful, unpleasant future experiences you may discover you're headed toward.
Interpret your dreams' symbols and details with ease and accuracy so that you can recognize and use the astonishing prophetic information your dreams always contain.

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