marți, 29 mai 2018

Peter A. Levine - Sexual Healing

Transforming The Sacred Wound
Healing the wounds of sexual trauma has long been considered by many psychotherapists to be one of the most challenging tasks a person will ever face. The good news, teaches Dr. Peter A. Levine, is that new and more effective tools are emerging. On Sexual Healing, Dr. Levine, a pioneer in the field of healing trauma, teaches you his innovative series of body-based practices to release the sexual trauma of your past.
Join him to learn:
What new research reveals about the way we store the energies and memories of distressing events in the body
Understanding the signs of sexual trauma
How to create a "container" for your emotions and release them safely - without becoming overwhelmed
Gentle exercises to reconnect with your body and recover your ability to experience pleasure and joy
Your body has a natural process for healing trauma and restoring resilience in your nervous system. Unfortunately, few of us are taught to identify and allow this process to happen when it arises. Sexual Healing shares the principles and skills you need to restore your sacred inner space and move forward in your life with greater presence, focus, and passion.

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