duminică, 3 iunie 2018

Andrea Brandt - 8 Keys To Eliminating Passive-Aggressiveness

This audiobook offers guidance for dealing with this common and frustrating form of behavior. Many people often say "yes" to something when they'd rather say "no." They offer cooperation through words but follow up with how they really feel - in actions that contradict their words. That's passive-aggression. At its heart, passive-aggression is about being untrue to oneself, which makes it impossible to have a clean relationship with others. Passive-aggression as a communication method doesn't make someone "bad." It is simply a strategy learned in childhood as a coping mechanism, a hard-to-break habit.
Changing passive-aggressive behavior requires knowledge, tools, and practice, as outlined here.
This audiobook offers effective methods for transforming passive-aggression into healthy assertiveness to communicate in constructive ways through eight keys:
Recognize Your Hidden Anger
Reconnect Your Emotions to Your Thoughts
Listen to Your Body
Set Healthy Boundaries
Communicate Assertively
Interact Using Mindfulness
Disable the Enabler
Problem-Solve for Better Outcomes
Exercises are featured, which enable listeners to better understand themselves.

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