miercuri, 19 februarie 2020

Igor Ledochowski - The Money In Your Mind

My grandfather, a self-made entrepreneur, was VERY rich.  My parents were proud and they wouldn’t take handouts. So, when I was a pre-schooler, we ended up bouncing between great luxury on the weekends (when we’d visit my grandparents) and a life of fairly modest means the rest of the time.
My grandfather died when I was five, and the family fortune practically evaporated before our very eyes. My father had to work REALLY hard and my family life from then on was comfortable but by no means wealthy. Very middle-class.
Fast-forward to my early 20’s.  I had graduated from law school in the UK.  I was using prosperity thinking and I was visualizing my goals. And, I made what I thought was an enormous salary.  The prosperity thinking was working!

But at the very same time, I was getting deeper and deeper into debt.  (I guess it wasn’t working quite the way I had hoped it would.)
Put quite simply, I was making all this money, and I was flat broke at the same time.
Something was terribly wrong.
It took me years to figure it out and replicate, in my own life, the financial glory my grandfather had created for our family before he died.
I didn’t do it alone.  I had a lot of help from people you may never have the opportunity to meet yourself.
And I would like to share what I learned, with you.
I’m ready to learn the Wealth Secrets!
Why The Right Mindset ISN’T ENOUGH For Wealth – What ELSE You Need To Become Financially Free
As I sorted things out for myself and began to accumulate a lot of wealth, I realized the same teaching style I have successfully used to help thousands of people to gain more personal power and influence, would be required to help people get wealthy.
My approach to teaching wealth, in a nutshell, has been to map out the entire “learning journey” a student needs to take, to arrive at a certain level of capability.
Then, I break things down into the smallest, easiest set of skills and knowledge needed to achieve that learning goal.
And THEN, I would use my own skills to prepare the student’s SUBCONSCIOUS mind to receive each portion of information or skills, before I would explicitly, literally, blatantly teach the same information or the same skill to the CONSCIOUS mind.
This sped up the learning process and increased retention of knowledge in a big way.
If you have ever taken any of my trainings, then you know what I’m talking about.  And now you know why they work so well.
Being wealthy is a mindset; a certain way of doing things with money; and a lifestyle.
I worked for years to find the best way to transfer the mindset; the knowledge; the behaviors; and ultimately, the way of being wealthy in the world – in the most efficient way possible.
When I was satisfied that the training was ready, I offered it as a private, exclusive seminar to my subscribers in December. Over 650 people applied for only 9 spots. We gave this private seminar in a $16 million mansion in a very exclusive part of the Bahamas.
This is the kind of thing that happens in a wealthy family.  The information is shared casually, conversationally. In the home. Privately, among family members.

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